The Evaluation
class is the actual interface for the user with the
functionalities of the pyEvalData
package. It provides access to the raw
data via the Source
object, given on initialization.
The main features of the Evaluation
class are the definition of counter
aliases as well as new counters by simple algebraic expressions.
At the same time pre- and post-filters can be applied to the raw and
evaluated data, respectively.
Much efforts have been put into the binning, averaging, and error calculation
of the raw data.
In addition to the evaluation of a list of scans or scan sequence of one or
multiple scans in dependence of an external paramter, the Evaluation
also provides high-level helper functions for plotting and fitting the
according results.
Here we do the necessary import for this example
%load_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pyEvalData as ped
# import lmfit for fitting
import lmfit as lf
# import some usefull fit functions
import ultrafastFitFunctions as ufff
# define the path for the example data
example_data_path = '../../../example_data/'
Here we iitialize the Source
for the current evaluation. It is based on raw
data in a SPEC file which was generated by
the open-source software Sardana.
spec = ped.io.Spec(file_name='sardana_spec.spec',
pyEvalData.io.source - INFO: Update source
pyEvalData.io.source - INFO: parse_raw
pyEvalData.io.source - INFO: Create spec_file from xrayutilities
XU.io.SPECFile.Update: reparsing file for new scans ...
pyEvalData.io.source - INFO: save_all_scans_to_nexus
pyEvalData.io.source - INFO: read_raw_scan_data for scan #1
XU.io.SPECScan.ReadData: scan_1: 291 27 27
pyEvalData.io.source - INFO: save_scan_to_nexus for scan #1
pyEvalData.io.source - INFO: read_raw_scan_data for scan #2
XU.io.SPECScan.ReadData: scan_2: 291 27 27
pyEvalData.io.source - INFO: save_scan_to_nexus for scan #2
pyEvalData.io.source - INFO: read_raw_scan_data for scan #3
XU.io.SPECScan.ReadData: scan_3: 291 27 27
pyEvalData.io.source - INFO: save_scan_to_nexus for scan #3
pyEvalData.io.source - INFO: read_raw_scan_data for scan #4
XU.io.SPECScan.ReadData: scan_4: 291 27 27
pyEvalData.io.source - INFO: save_scan_to_nexus for scan #4
pyEvalData.io.source - INFO: read_raw_scan_data for scan #5
XU.io.SPECScan.ReadData: scan_5: 291 27 27
pyEvalData.io.source - INFO: save_scan_to_nexus for scan #5
pyEvalData.io.source - INFO: read_raw_scan_data for scan #6
XU.io.SPECScan.ReadData: scan_6: 291 27 27
pyEvalData.io.source - INFO: save_scan_to_nexus for scan #6
The Evaluation
For the most basic example we just have to provide a Source
on initialization:
ev = ped.Evaluation(spec)
Now it is possible to check the available attributes of the Evaluation
object, which will be explained step-by-step in the upcominng sections.
Main class for evaluating data.
The raw data is accessed via a ``Source`` object.
The evaluation allows to bin data, calculate errors and propagate them.
There is also an interface to ``lmfit`` for easy batch-fitting.
source (Source): raw data source.
log (logging.logger): logger instance from logging.
clist (list[str]): list of counter names to evaluate.
cdef (dict{str:str}): dict of predefined counter names and
xcol (str): counter or motor for x-axis.
t0 (float): approx. time zero for delay scans to determine the
unpumped region of the data for normalization.
custom_counters (list[str]): list of custom counters - default is []
math_keys (list[str]): list of keywords which are evaluated as numpy functions
statistic_type (str): 'gauss' for normal averaging, 'poisson' for counting statistics
propagate_errors (bool): propagate errors for dpendent counters.
Most of the attributes of the Evaluation
class are well explained in the docstring
and described in more details below.
The custom_counters
might be soon depricated.
The t0
attribute is used for easy normalization to 1 by
dividing the data by the mean of all values which are xcol < t0
This is typically useful for time-resolved delay scans but might be renamed
for a more general approach in the future.
The statistics_type
attribute allows to switch between gaussian statistics,
which calculates the error from the standard derivation, and poisson statistics,
whichs calculates the error from $1/\sqrt N$ with $N$ being the total number of
photons in the according bin.
Simple plot example#
To plot data, the Evlauation
objects does only need to know the xcol
horizontal axis as well a list of counters to plot, which is called clist
First we can check the available scan numbers in the source:
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
Now we can check for the available data for a specific scan
So let’s try to plot the counters Pumped
and Unpumped
vs the motor delay
for scan #1:
ev.xcol = 'delay'
ev.clist = ['Pumped', 'Unpumped']
plt.xlim(-10, 50)
plt.xlabel('delay (ps)')
Algebraic expressions#
For now, we only see a lot of noise. So let’s work a bit further on the data we
plot. The experiment was an ultrafast MOKE
measurement, which followed the polarization rotation of the probe pulse after
a certain delay
in respect to the pump pulse. Typically, this magnetic contrast
is improved by subtracting the measured signal for two opposite magnetization
directions of the sample, as the MOKE effect depends on the sample’s magnetization.
In our example, we have two additional counters available, which contain the
data for negative magnetic fields (M - minus): PumpedM
and UnpumpedM
While the two former counters were acquired for positive fields.
Let’s plot the difference signal for the pumped and unpumped signals:
ev.xcol = 'delay'
ev.clist = ['Pumped-PumpedM', 'Unpumped-UnpumpedM']
plt.xlim(-10, 50)
plt.xlabel('delay (ps)')
The new plot shows already much more dynamisc in the pumped vs. the unpumped signal. However, we can still improve that, by normalizing one by the other:
ev.xcol = 'delay'
ev.clist = ['(Pumped-PumpedM)/(Unpumped-UnpumpedM)']
plt.xlim(-10, 50)
plt.xlabel('delay (ps)')
This does look much better but we lost the absolute value of the contrast. Let’s simply multiply the trace with the average of the unpumped magnetic contrast:
ev.xcol = 'delay'
ev.clist = ['(Pumped-PumpedM)/(Unpumped-UnpumpedM)*mean(Unpumped-UnpumpedM)']
plt.xlim(-10, 50)
plt.xlabel('delay (ps)')
So besides simple operations such as +. -. *, /
we can also use some basic
functionalities. You can check the available functions by inspection
of the attribute math_keys
But of course our current counter name is rather bulky. So lets define some
aliases using the attribute cdef
ev.cdef['pumped_mag'] = 'Pumped-PumpedM'
ev.cdef['unpumped_mag'] = 'Unpumped-UnpumpedM'
ev.cdef['rel_mag'] = 'pumped_mag/unpumped_mag'
ev.cdef['abs_mag'] = 'pumped_mag/unpumped_mag*mean(unpumped_mag)'
ev.xcol = 'delay'
ev.clist = ['abs_mag']
plt.xlim(-10, 50)
plt.xlabel('delay (ps)')
In many situations it is desireable to reduce the data density or to plot the
data on a new grid. This can be easily achieved by the xgrid
keyword of the
Here we plot the same data as before on a three reduced grids with 0.1, 1, and
5 ps step width. Please note that the errorbars appear due to the averaging of
multiple point in the bins of the grid. The errorbars are vertical and horizontal.
We can also skip the xlim
setting here, as our grid is in the same range as
ev.xcol = 'delay'
ev.clist = ['abs_mag']
ev.plot_scans([1], xgrid=np.r_[-10:50:0.1])
ev.plot_scans([1], xgrid=np.r_[-10:50:1])
ev.plot_scans([1], xgrid=np.r_[-10:50:5])
plt.xlabel('delay (ps)')
Averaging & error propagation#
In order to improve statistics even further, scans are often repeated an averaged. This was also done for this experimental example and all scans #1-6 were done with the same settings.
We can simply average them by providing all scans of interest to the plot_scans
ev.xcol = 'delay'
ev.clist = ['abs_mag']
ev.plot_scans([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], xgrid=np.r_[-10:50:0.1])
plt.xlabel('delay (ps)')
Hm, somehow this did not really did the job, right? Altough the scattering of the circle symbols has decreased, the errorbars are much large as for the single scan before.
Let’s check the individual scans to see what happened:
ev.xcol = 'delay'
ev.clist = ['abs_mag']
ev.plot_scans([1], xgrid=np.r_[-10:50:0.1])
ev.plot_scans([2], xgrid=np.r_[-10:50:0.1])
ev.plot_scans([3], xgrid=np.r_[-10:50:0.1])
ev.plot_scans([4], xgrid=np.r_[-10:50:0.1])
ev.plot_scans([5], xgrid=np.r_[-10:50:0.1])
ev.plot_scans([6], xgrid=np.r_[-10:50:0.1])
plt.xlabel('delay (ps)')
Individually all scans look very much the same, with very small errorbars. So why do we get so large errorbars when we average them?
Let’s go one more step back and plot the Unpumped
signal for all scans with a
large grid of 5 ps for clarity:
ev.xcol = 'delay'
ev.clist = ['Unpumped']
ev.plot_scans([1], xgrid=np.r_[-10:50:5])
ev.plot_scans([2], xgrid=np.r_[-10:50:5])
ev.plot_scans([3], xgrid=np.r_[-10:50:5])
ev.plot_scans([4], xgrid=np.r_[-10:50:5])
ev.plot_scans([5], xgrid=np.r_[-10:50:5])
ev.plot_scans([6], xgrid=np.r_[-10:50:5])
plt.xlabel('delay (ps)')
We can observe a significant drift of the raw data which results in deviations that are not statistically distributed anymore.
This essentially means, that it makes a difference if we
evaluate the expression
for every scan individually and eventually average the resulting tracesfirst average the raw data (
Pumped, PumpedM, Unpumped, UnpumpedM
) and then calculate final trace forabs_mag
using the averaged raw data. In the later case we need to carry out a proper error propagation to determine the errors forabs_mag
The Evaluation
class allows to switch between both cases by the attribute flag
which is True
by default and handles the error propagation
automatically using the uncertainties package.
For our last example we were follwoing option 2. as described above.
Accoridngly, rather large errors from the drifiting of the raw signals were propagated.
Now lets compare to option 1. without error propagation:
ev.xcol = 'delay'
ev.clist = ['abs_mag']
ev.propagate_errors = True
ev.plot_scans([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], xgrid=np.r_[-10:50:0.1])
ev.propagate_errors = False
ev.plot_scans([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], xgrid=np.r_[-10:50:0.1])
plt.xlabel('delay (ps)')
plt.legend(['error propagation', 'no error propagation'])
The application of the both options strongly depends on the type of noise and drifts of the acquired data.
Let’s check all arguments of the plot_scans()
method by simply calling:
Help on method plot_scans in module pyEvalData.evaluation:
plot_scans(scan_list, ylims=[], xlims=[], fig_size=[], xgrid=[], yerr='std', xerr='std', norm2one=False, binning=True, label_text='', title_text='', skip_plot=False, grid_on=True, ytext='', xtext='', fmt='-o') method of pyEvalData.evaluation.Evaluation instance
Plot a list of scans from the spec file.
Various plot parameters are provided.
The plotted data are returned.
scan_list (List[int]) : List of scan numbers.
ylims (Optional[ndarray]) : ylim for the plot.
xlims (Optional[ndarray]) : xlim for the plot.
fig_size (Optional[ndarray]) : Figure size of the figure.
xgrid (Optional[ndarray]) : Grid to bin the data to -
default in empty so use the
x-axis of the first scan.
yerr (Optional[ndarray]) : Type of the errors in y: [err, std, none]
default is 'std'.
xerr (Optional[ndarray]) : Type of the errors in x: [err, std, none]
default is 'std'.
norm2one (Optional[bool]) : Norm transient data to 1 for t < t0
default is False.
label_text (Optional[str]) : Label of the plot - default is none.
title_text (Optional[str]) : Title of the figure - default is none.
skip_plot (Optional[bool]) : Skip plotting, just return data
default is False.
grid_on (Optional[bool]) : Add grid to plot - default is True.
ytext (Optional[str]) : y-Label of the plot - defaults is none.
xtext (Optional[str]) : x-Label of the plot - defaults is none.
fmt (Optional[str]) : format string of the plot - defaults is -o.
y2plot (OrderedDict) : y-data which was plotted.
x2plot (ndarray) : x-data which was plotted.
yerr2plot (OrderedDict) : y-error which was plotted.
xerr2plot (ndarray) : x-error which was plotted.
name (str) : Name of the data set.
Most of the above arguments are plotting options and will be changed/simplified
in a future release.
The xerr
and yerr
arguments allow to change the type of errorbars in x
and y
direction between standard error, standard derivation and no error.
The norm2one
flag allows to normalize the data to 1 for all data which is before
on the xcol
The skip_plot
option disables plotting at all and can be handy if only access to
the return values is desired.
The returned data contains the xcol
and according error as ndarray
named x2plot
and xerr2plot
, while the according counters and errors from the clist
are given
as OrderedDict
s y2plot
and yerr2plot
. The keys
of these dictionaries
correspond to the elements in the clist
Scan sequences#
Experimentally it is common to repeat similar scans while varying an external parameter,
such as the sample environment (temperature, external fields, etc.).
For this common task, the Evaluation
class provides a method named
which wraps around the plot_scans()
First, we have to define the scan_sequence
as a nested list to be correctly parsed
by the plot_scan_sequence()
For that, we use the day time of the scans as an external parameter.
We can access such meta information directly from the Source
object as follows:
Now we create the scan_sequence
as a list
, which contains one or multiple
entries. Each entry can be a list
or tuple
which contains two elements:
The scan list containing one or multiple scan numbers, and a string or number
describing the external parameter.
scan_sequence = [
# ([scan numbers], parameter)
([1], spec.scan1.time), # first entry
([2], spec.scan2.time),
([3], spec.scan3.time),
([4], spec.scan4.time),
([5], spec.scan5.time),
([6], spec.scan6.time), # last entry
The minimum example below does not differ too much from plotting all six scans
manually by the plot_scans()
Obviously, the legend did not take the scan time into account. Let’s check the documentation for some details:
Help on method plot_scan_sequence in module pyEvalData.evaluation:
plot_scan_sequence(scan_sequence, ylims=[], xlims=[], fig_size=[], xgrid=[], yerr='std', xerr='std', norm2one=False, binning=True, sequence_type='', label_text='', title_text='', skip_plot=False, grid_on=True, ytext='', xtext='', fmt='-o') method of pyEvalData.evaluation.Evaluation instance
Plot a list of scans from the spec file.
Various plot parameters are provided.
The plotted data are returned.
scan_sequence (List[
int/str]]) : Sequence of scan lists and parameters.
ylims (Optional[ndarray]) : ylim for the plot.
xlims (Optional[ndarray]) : xlim for the plot.
fig_size (Optional[ndarray]) : Figure size of the figure.
xgrid (Optional[ndarray]) : Grid to bin the data to -
default in empty so use the
x-axis of the first scan.
yerr (Optional[ndarray]) : Type of the errors in y: [err, std, none]
default is 'std'.
xerr (Optional[ndarray]) : Type of the errors in x: [err, std, none]
default is 'std'.
norm2one (Optional[bool]) : Norm transient data to 1 for t < t0
default is False.
sequence_type (Optional[str]): Type of the sequence: [fluence, delay,
energy, theta, position, voltage, none,
text] - default is enumeration.
label_text (Optional[str]) : Label of the plot - default is none.
title_text (Optional[str]) : Title of the figure - default is none.
skip_plot (Optional[bool]) : Skip plotting, just return data
default is False.
grid_on (Optional[bool]) : Add grid to plot - default is True.
ytext (Optional[str]) : y-Label of the plot - defaults is none.
xtext (Optional[str]) : x-Label of the plot - defaults is none.
fmt (Optional[str]) : format string of the plot - defaults is -o.
sequence_data (OrderedDict) : Dictionary of the averaged scan data.
parameters (List[str, float]) : Parameters of the sequence.
names (List[str]) : List of names of each data set.
label_texts (List[str]) : List of labels for each data set.
In the docstring we can find many arguments already known from the plot_scans()
method. In order to fix the legend labels we need to tell the method about the
as an argument. Otherwise it will enumerate the scans by default.
In our case we provided a text
type label:
sequence_data, parameters, names, label_texts = \
ev.plot_scan_sequence(scan_sequence, sequence_type='text')
In the example above we also catched the return values. Here the parameters
correspond exactly to the data we provided in the scan_sequence
while the
are the formatted string as written in the legend.
The names
correspond to the auto-generated name of each scan as given by
the plot_scans()
The actual sequence_data
is again an OrderedDict
where the keys
are given
by the strings in the xcol
and clist
attributes of the Evaluation
Each value for a given key
is a list
of ndarray
s that hold the data for
every parameter.
odict_keys(['delay', 'delayErr', 'abs_mag', 'abs_magErr'])
Let’s make an 2D plot from the scan_sequence
x = sequence_data['delay'][0]
y = np.arange(6)
z = sequence_data['abs_mag']
plt.pcolormesh(x, y, z, shading='auto')
plt.xlim(-10, 50)
plt.xlabel('delay (ps)')
plt.yticks(y, label_texts, rotation='horizontal')
plt.ylabel('scan time')
Fit scan sequences#
Finally, we want to fit the scan_sequence
and extract the according fit parameters
for every trace. Here we use the fit_scan_sequence()
method. So let’s check
the documentation first:
Help on method fit_scan_sequence in module pyEvalData.evaluation:
fit_scan_sequence(scan_sequence, mod, pars, ylims=[], xlims=[], fig_size=[], xgrid=[], yerr='std', xerr='std', norm2one=False, binning=True, sequence_type='', label_text='', title_text='', ytext='', xtext='', select='', fit_report=0, show_single=False, weights=False, fit_method='leastsq', offset_t0=False, plot_separate=False, grid_on=True, last_res_as_par=False, sequence_data=[], fmt='o') method of pyEvalData.evaluation.Evaluation instance
Fit, plot, and return the data of a scan sequence.
scan_sequence (List[
int/str]]) : Sequence of scan lists and parameters.
mod (Model[lmfit]) : lmfit model for fitting the data.
pars (Parameters[lmfit]) : lmfit parameters for fitting the data.
ylims (Optional[ndarray]) : ylim for the plot.
xlims (Optional[ndarray]) : xlim for the plot.
fig_size (Optional[ndarray]) : Figure size of the figure.
xgrid (Optional[ndarray]) : Grid to bin the data to -
default in empty so use the
x-axis of the first scan.
yerr (Optional[ndarray]) : Type of the errors in y: [err, std, none]
default is 'std'.
xerr (Optional[ndarray]) : Type of the errors in x: [err, std, none]
default is 'std'.
norm2one (Optional[bool]) : Norm transient data to 1 for t < t0
default is False.
sequence_type (Optional[str]): Type of the sequence: [fluence, delay,
energy, theta] - default is fluence.
label_text (Optional[str]) : Label of the plot - default is none.
title_text (Optional[str]) : Title of the figure - default is none.
ytext (Optional[str]) : y-Label of the plot - defaults is none.
xtext (Optional[str]) : x-Label of the plot - defaults is none.
select (Optional[str]) : String to evaluate as select statement
for the fit region - default is none
fit_report (Optional[int]) : Set the fit reporting level:
[0: none, 1: basic, 2: full]
default 0.
show_single (Optional[bool]) : Plot each fit seperately - default False.
weights (Optional[bool]) : Use weights for fitting - default False.
fit_method (Optional[str]) : Method to use for fitting; refer to
lmfit - default is 'leastsq'.
offset_t0 (Optional[bool]) : Offset time scans by the fitted
t0 parameter - default False.
plot_separate (Optional[bool]):A single plot for each counter
default False.
grid_on (Optional[bool]) : Add grid to plot - default is True.
last_res_as_par (Optional[bool]): Use the last fit result as start
values for next fit - default is False.
sequence_data (Optional[ndarray]): actual exp. data are externally given.
default is empty
fmt (Optional[str]) : format string of the plot - defaults is -o.
res (Dict[ndarray]) : Fit results.
parameters (ndarray) : Parameters of the sequence.
sequence_data (OrderedDict) : Dictionary of the averaged scan data.equenceData
Again we find a lot of previously defined arguments which we are already familiar with.
For the fitting, we need to provide first of all a proper fitting model mod
and the
accroding fit parameters pars
with initial and boundray conditions.
Here we rely on the lmfit
So please dive into its great documentation before continuing here.
In order to describe our data best, we would like to use a double-exponential function for the initial decrease and subsequent increase of the magnetization. Moreover, we have to take into account the step-like behaviour before and after the exciation at delay=0 ps as well as the temporal resoultion of our setup as mimiced by a convolution with a gaussian function.
Such rather complex fitting function is provided by the ultrafastFitFunctions package which as been already imported in the Setup.
Help on function doubleDecayConvScale in module ultrafastFitFunctions.dynamics:
doubleDecayConvScale(x, mu, tau1, tau2, A, q, alpha, sigS, sigH, I0)
The documentation for the fitting fucntions are hopefully comming soon :)
Now lets create the model and parameters:
mod = lf.Model(ufff.doubleDecayConvScale)
pars = lf.Parameters()
pars.add('mu', value=0)
pars.add('tau1', value=0.2)
pars.add('tau2', value=10)
pars.add('A', value=0.5)
pars.add('q', value=1)
pars.add('alpha', value=1, vary=False)
pars.add('sigS', value=0.05, vary=False)
pars.add('sigH', value=0, vary=False)
pars.add('I0', value=0.002)
We are not going too much in to detail of the fitting function, so let’s do
the actual fit.
For that, we limit the data again on a reduced grid given by the xgrid
and provide the correct sequence_type
for the label generation.
ev.fit_scan_sequence(scan_sequence, mod, pars, xgrid=np.r_[-10:50:0.01],
The results does already look very good, but lets access some more information:
res, parameters, sequence_data = ev.fit_scan_sequence(scan_sequence, mod, pars,
========== Parameter: 21:28:49 ===============
---------- abs_mag: ---------------
mu: -1.1282e-01
tau1: 1.4375e-01
tau2: 2.7683e+00
A: 1.8572e-01
q: 5.1436e+00
alpha: 1.0000e+00
sigS: 5.0000e-02
sigH: 0.0000e+00
I0: 2.2348e-03
TypeError Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[31], line 2
1 plt.figure()
----> 2 res, parameters, sequence_data = ev.fit_scan_sequence(scan_sequence, mod, pars,
3 xgrid=np.r_[-10:50:0.01],
4 sequence_type='text',
5 show_single=True,
6 fit_report=1)
7 plt.show()
File ~/checkouts/readthedocs.org/user_builds/pyevaldata/envs/latest/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pyEvalData/evaluation.py:1219, in Evaluation.fit_scan_sequence(self, scan_sequence, mod, pars, ylims, xlims, fig_size, xgrid, yerr, xerr, norm2one, binning, sequence_type, label_text, title_text, ytext, xtext, select, fit_report, show_single, weights, fit_method, offset_t0, plot_separate, grid_on, last_res_as_par, sequence_data, fmt)
1216 gs = mpl.gridspec.GridSpec(
1217 2, 1, height_ratios=[1, 3], hspace=0.1)
1218 ax1 = plt.subplot(gs[0])
-> 1219 markerline, stemlines, baseline = plt.stem(
1220 x2plot-offsetX, out.residual, markerfmt=' ',
1221 use_line_collection=True)
1222 plt.setp(stemlines, 'color',
1223 plot[0].get_color(), 'linewidth', 2, alpha=0.5)
1224 plt.setp(baseline, 'color', 'k', 'linewidth', 0)
TypeError: stem() got an unexpected keyword argument 'use_line_collection'
Access fit results#
The results of the fits are given in the res
dictionary. Here the keys correspond
again to the elements in the clist
For every counter in the clist
we have a nested dictionary with all best values
and errrors for the individual fit parameters. Moreover, we can access some general
parameters as the center of mass (CoM
) or integral (int
), as well as the
objects themselve.
So let’s plot the decay amplitude A
for the different parameters in the
plt.errorbar(parameters, res['abs_mag']['A'], yerr=res['abs_mag']['AErr'], fmt='-o')
plt.xlabel('scan time')
plt.ylabel('decay amplitude')
# to be done